In a surprising turn of events, renowned American author and Bible teacher, Charles “Chuck” Missler, along with his wife, Nancy, have bid adieu to the United States and embarked on a new journey to New Zealand. This move comes after numerous visits to the country, which have evidently left a lasting impression on the couple.
The Misslers, who were previously based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where they founded the Koinonia House ministry, have now set up their new abode in the quaint town of Reporoa, nestled between Taupo and Rotorua in New Zealand’s Waikato region.
According to a report by New Zealand’s Challenge Weekly, the couple believes that divine intervention has guided them to their new home, and they are excited about the “fantastic destiny” that awaits them in New Zealand.
Their new residence is situated on the grounds of the River Lodge, a venue with a rich 30-year history and a popular choice for weddings and corporate retreats among New Zealanders. The couple plans to host a series of ‘Study Retreats’ on selected weekends, offering an immersive learning experience for 40 individuals over 40 hours, aiming to provide a 20/20 insight on various subjects.
Furthermore, the Misslers have relocated Lyonshead Media, a state-of-the-art video and audio editing and publishing facility, from Idaho, USA, and Portsmouth, UK, to their new premises. This move will allow them to originate all their new materials from their River Lodge headquarters and provide visitors with DVDs of the subjects explored during their visit.
Chuck Missler, recognized globally as one of the leading Bible expositors, encourages believers to view the Bible as an ‘extraterrestrial message from outside our time domain.’ He uses his professional background in information sciences to argue the integrity and deliberate design of the Bible.
The report also highlights Missler’s impressive career in the high technology arena, where he served as the CEO of six companies and sat on the board of directors of over a dozen public companies. His advanced technological background resonates with engineers and physicists among his audiences.
Nancy Missler, an influential figure in her own right, has authored 14 books that have touched the lives of many and saved numerous marriages. Her best-selling classic, ‘Her Way of Agape,’ is known throughout the English-speaking world.
The couple’s ministry, Koinonia House, aims to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. The term ‘Koinonia’ is a New Testament word often translated as “communication,” “fellowship,” or “communion.” The Misslers are dedicated to creating and distributing materials that foster a deep and serious study of the Bible.